Felix Gebhardt, "Dipl. Automative Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau"

"Ice climbing or ice sailing this weekend? It were hard decisions like that and a really instructive internship which made my time in Calgary some unforgettable 6 months. I didn’t just find good friends in Alberta who I had an amazing time with, obviously I also broadened my social and cultural horizons living abroad. Furthermore I couldn’t have asked for a more diverse, educational and fun internship, so all in all I encourage everybody who has the slightest thought about doing an internship in Canada to leave all doubts behind and just do it. It’s awesome."

Fanny Renker, "B. Eng., Civil Engineering, University of Applied Sciences"

“I’m very happy to have had the opportunity to complete this internship at the University of Alberta. It was a great chance to get insights in a new topic and Canadian construction methods. I enjoyed working with new colleagues and internship will provide experience to further my career. Meanwhile, I got to make a lot of new friends. We had a great time in Edmonton and exploring the National Parks in Alberta. The time abroad was terrific and I for sure will be coming back to visit my friends and explore more of the beautiful areas the province has to offer.”


Nadja Kunze, “M.Sc. Business Administration, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg”

“The ASiiA program allowed me to work and live in one of the most scenic and beautiful countries in the world. The internship with the German Canadian Centre for Innovation and Research familiarized me with the way Canadians work, and also with international business practices; which is especially important for business students such as myself in today's globalized and international world. Beyond these professional and career aspects, I was able to meet awesome people and travel extensively. I am really thankful that I had the opportunity to participate in this program and come to Canada.”


Lisa Schöberlein, "Dipl. Civil Engineering, Dresden University of Technology"

"My time in Edmonton confirmed my resolution to move to Canada after my studies. I was a little nervous that I might not find company and friends quickly but the opposite happened. I met most of my friends on my first weekend in Edmonton. We have been spending a lot of time together ever since so that my time in Alberta has been filled with activities. The ASiiA program has been a lucky chance for me. My internship at the University of Alberta covered exactly the aspects of engineering that I am most interested in.  I plan on coming back to Edmonton for my master’s thesis and working in Canada after my studies."


Shaun Rudanec, "BCom, MacEwan University"

"I was in Dresden and Leipzig in the summer of 2012. This summer was undoubtedly the best summer of my life so far, as it included an outstanding work term that led to my dream job, experience in a German soccer tournament (with beer served, instead of water), exposure to remarkable history, and constant weekend travel opportunities. As well, I met my girlfriend of over 2 years through the program, so I am extremely grateful for what it has done for me and encourage anyone else to get involved in any way possible."

Carolin Arzt, “MA Political Science, Chemnitz University of Technology”

“I wanted to live in Canada ever since I was little. When I realised that my university has this internship program with Alberta I was immediately excited to apply. ASiiA was a great opportunity for me to work towards my career goals and to live my dream at the same time. I had one of the best times of my life here and it gave me a really good impression of what it is like to live in Canada permanently.”


Jordan Brandon, "BSc.Eng, University of Alberta"

"I believe that with this internship I will be able to get better jobs because I have unique experiences and I have a different take on things. Standing out and looking at things a different way can be really beneficial to both myself and many companies. Learning how to model and starting to learn how to program will be very useful as well."


"I believe that I will have a good chance of getting a good job next work term and that I will have a good chance at getting into the graduate program that I want to go in (whichever that will be when the time comes). I have really enjoyed me time here and I think I was learned a lot, both professionally and personally that will help me grow in both ways and that I can use in any situation."

Kyle Griep, "BSc.Eng, University of Alberta"

"Overall this experience has solidified my interest in research and pursuing a second degree. It has also opened me up to the idea of going abroad in other opportunities to have other experiences like this. I have enjoyed everything about Germany and could see myself living here in the future after I have studied the German language more. Europe itself has also proved to be very beautiful with astounding culture and history.

If I was offered this opportunity again, I would do it without any further consideration. Also, I would recommend this opportunity to everyone but suggest that they have a fairly good understanding of the German language. This experience has changed my life and I will never forget it."


Janet Grynas "MA Translation Studies, University of Alberta"

"The main reason this internship could improve my job prospects in the future is because it gave me a chance to gain valuable, hard-to-get experience that I would NOT have had the chance to acquire in my home country. It also provided me with the opportunity to work in a German workplace, which helped me internationalize my job experience and which might be very appealing to a future employer. All in all, this was a fantastic experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat!"


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ASiiA Participants 2014

ASiiA Participant 2010, Steffi Peuckert