Summer School and...

Summer School and...

During these two weeks, you will undergo an intensive program at Technische Universität Dresden, which covers various business models to be used by social entrepreneurs and non-profit enterprises to solve social and environmental issues.

You will gain insights into how social issues are tackled by innovative businesses/ entrepreneurs.

You will learn how to develop sustainable approaches for solving complex problems and make contributions to society using your individual knowledge and skills.


A combination of pre-session reading, group and individual reflection, journaling and discussions will support you to link theoretical knowledge and practical experience for the better understanding of the challenges and charms of being entrepreneur in Saxony/ Germany.

Lessons at university are going to be complemented by numerous site visits with Saxon entrepreneurs and visitors at university to share their experience with you.



Innovation Camp

​Additionally to the theoretical part of the topic, you will join practical workshop at Hochschule Mittweida, which enables you to create and design your innovative ideas without financial risk.


The philosophy is to provide a creative space in an open-minded environment to whatever idea you may come up with and you will learn important skills to conduct and create a crowdfunding campaign for your start-up idea. The helpful community feedback will support your idea to be developed to market maturity. In addition, Concept!ON is a financing platform for projects that provide support for the crowdfunding campaign.


So, if you are interested of gaining firsthand experience from successful entrepreneurs as well as of getting a taste of start-up in creativity-promoting events, you are right to enroll for this summer school in Saxony.