The Alberta-Saxony Internship program is open to full-time registered students in a Bachelor, Master, Diplom or PhD program at an Alberta partner university. Click here for a link to the list of participating institutions in Alberta. Please note that ASiiA applicants must have completed a minimum of 3 semesters before starting an ASiiA internship.


Recent graduates may also participate in the program for up to one year after graduation. For example, if you graduated in June 2016, you have until June 2017 to apply and participate in an internship through this program. Please confirm with your home institution if you intend on applying for this program and have recently graduated.


       In addition, outgoing Alberta participants must meet the following requirements:

     - Be in good academic standing, as defined by your individual institution.

     - Have completed a minimum of credit hours before departing for internship placement, as 
       determined by your individual institution.

     - Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Please note that there may be additional and
       potentially more stringent visa requirements for Canadian permanent residents.

     - Proficiency in German language is desired, but not required. Language competences may effect
       location of placement (industry versus research), and will increase intercultural learning.