The application process includes the following:

1. Informing yourself about the ASiiA program. An internship offer is only accepted as part of the ASiiA
    program if the following terms are met: 

    - The applicant fulfills the eligibility criteria.

    - The host organization is located in the Province of Alberta. 

    - The host organization can provide the trainee with a full-time work schedule.

    -  Depending on host organization, your payment for the duration of your internship can range from 
        $700-$1400 a month.
Please refer to the Budget page for more information on living costs in
        Alberta. Note that the ASiiA program does not offer trainees any grants or financial
        support. Therefore, it is important that participants have savings to help support their
        costs of living in Alberta.

    - The minimum internship length is three months, the maximum is one year. Most internship offers
      are for a 3 to 6 months period. 

2.  Submitting your application to the to become an ASiiA participant

    - Applications are accepted both with or without a previous internship offer.

    - Submit the required application documents by the deadlines.

    - All applications will be reviewed within 2-3 weeks* after receiving the application documents. .

           *More than 2-3 weeks can be required during busy periods.

3. Receiving information about your acceptance into the ASiiA program.

    If your application is successful:

    - The ASiiA coordinator will contact you by email. Information and instructions regarding your next
      steps will also be sent.

    - Acceptance for the program does not mean that an internship placement is guaranteed. It only  
      allows the candidate to take part in the ASiiA community and actively search for an internship in  
      Alberta. The first 25 ASiiA paricipants who find an internship placement for the current year will be
      exempt from paying the Visa Processing Fee.


     If your application is rejected:

    - The ASiiA coordinator will contact you by email. The applicants can pick up their application   
      material in person at the LEONARDO-OFFICE SAXONY 2 weeks after they have been contacted.
      After this time, you consent to your application documents and personal data being destroyed and
      deleted by the LEONARDO-OFFICE SAXONY.

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