Job Search Resources
Please review the following websites for potential internship opportunities. Should you decide to apply for any internship position, please:
- Ensure that you meet most of the qualifications asked for in the job posting
- Confirm that the position is located in Alberta
- Ensure that international interns are welcome to apply
- Attach an ASiiA information flyer to each of your application emails and state that you will have a valid
work permit because of the ASiiA Program Agreement
Alberta Job Offer Boards:
Alberta Engineering Internships
City of Edmonton Student Jobs
University of Alberta Career and Placement Services (CaPS)
Alberta Job Center
Governement of Alberta
You can also check out the following links:
Chamber of Commerce - Edmonton
Chamber of Commerce - Calgary
*Contacting a professional association in your field of work is another idea to have access to a professional network and perhaps job opportunities.
Organizations in Alberta Who Have Hosted German Interns Between 2010-2016
You can look at this list to find out where previous ASiiA interns have completed internships.